A: Wealthy Executives
- 01 - Affluent mature professionals, large houses
- 02 - Affluent working families with mortgages
- 03 - Villages with wealthy commuters
- 04 - Well-off managers, larger houses
C: Flourishing Families
- 09 - Larger families, prosperous suburbs
- 10 - Well-off working families with mortgages
- 11 - Well-off managers, detached houses
- 12 - Large families & houses in rural areas
D: Prosperous Professionals
- 13 - Well-off professionals, larger houses and converted flats
E: Educated Urbanites
- 15 - Affluent urban professionals, flats
- 16 - Prosperous young professionals, flats
- 17 - Young educated workers, flats
- 18 - Multi-ethnic young, converted flats
- 19 - Suburban privately renting professionals
F: Aspiring Singles
- 20 - Student flats and cosmopolitan sharers
- 21 - Singles & sharers, multi-ethnic areas
- 22 - Low income singles, small rented flats
- 23 - Student Terraces
G: Starting Out
- 24 - Young couples, flats and terraces
- 25 - White collar singles/sharers, terraces
H: Secure Families
- 26 - Younger white-collar couples with mortgages
- 27 - Middle income, home owning areas
- 28 - Working families with mortgages
- 29 - Mature families in suburban semis
- 30 - Established home owning workers
- 31 - Home owning Asian family areas
L: Post Industrial Families
- 40 - Young family workers
N: Struggling Families
- 44 - Low income larger families, semis
- 45 - Older people, low income, small semis
- 46 - Low income, routine jobs, unemployment
- 47 - Low rise terraced estates of poorly-off workers
- 48 - Low incomes, high unemployment, single parents
- 49 - Large families, many children, poorly educated
O: Burdened Singles
- 50 - Council flats, single elderly people
- 51 - Council terraces, unemployment, many singles
- 52 - Council flats, single parents, unemployment
P: High Rise Hardship
- 54 - Singles & single parents, high rise estates
Maslow’s Needs:
Need to survive – Used for adverts for food and drink,
Need for affiliation – Adverts that focus on lifestyle choices like diet and fashion, uses people’s desire to be popular and fit in.
Social Class Categories
A – High Ranking managers,
B – Middle Managers,
C1 – Junior Managers,
C2 – Skilled manual workers,
D – Unskilled Manuel workers
E – Unemployed
ITV Sales Categories
HW - Housewives
HA – Affluent Housewives
AD - Adults
A3- Adults aged 16 - 34
AA – Affluent Adults
CH – Children
Lifestyle Categories
Egoists – People who are mainly concerned with getting the most out of life for themselves.