Friday, 14 October 2011

Ikea Exponential Advertising

Ikea ran an exponential advetising campain which came to Nottingham on the 24th and 25th of september.

The campain was all done inside a giant tent on the market square in Nottingham.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Plan for R+P pages:

1. TA Profile

2. Lifestyle and health problems they face

3. Introduce my campaign

4. Other campaigns out there (1)

5. Other Campaigns out there (2)

6. Primary research

7. Brand typography for one step 21

8. Brand logo and identity for one step 21

9. Brand logo and identity for one step 21

10. Colour

11. Key art

12. Name + slogan for campaign

13. Web Codes and conventions

14. Print Codes and Conventions

15. Design of campaign

16. Example of exponetial advertising

17. Web Analysis

18. Web Analysis

19. Web Analysis

20. Web Analysis

21. Print analysis

22. Print analysis

23. Print analysis

24. Print analysis