Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Treatment/Creative Brief

Treatment/Creative Brief

• Client information:One Step 21
• Project: Camaign on healthy living for One Step 21
• Prepared by:Edward Chamberlain
• Background / Overview: Teenagers dont drink enough water to keep them healthy.
"Who is the ad talking to, and what is the one main thing we want to say?"The TA is Teenagers living in urban and rural settings. The main point is that being hydrated can greatly improve your health.
• What is the objective, the purpose of the campaign?The canpaign should make the TA drink a suitable amout of water everyday improving their health.
• Target audience: who are we talking to?The TA is teenagers who currently drink large amounts of unhealthy fizzy drinks and do not drink enough water. The campaign will target Bottesford and surrounding area to start. The Target audience will have little or no income.
The audience is comfortable with new tecnology and is quick to download a new app ( especialy free ) and like being amoung the first to have the latest technology and gadgets. The TA spend large amounts of time on the internet and many have mobile internet on their phones.
• What's the single most important thing to say?Hydrate will encourage hydration amoung the teenage market, inproving overall health.
What are the supporting rational and emotional 'reasons to believe and buy into the campaign?Cheap – the campaign envolves drinking more water and water is incredably cheap.
Can greatly improve many aspects of your health.
Backed by doctors.
Earened great reviews and succsess from real people.